


Prof. Dr. Roger BEN AÏM

Ingénieur des Industries Chimiques (ENSIC Nancy)

Docteur es Sciences Université de Nancy

Professeur de génie Chimique de 1972 à 2001 successivement à l’université des Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc -Montpellier, à l’INP Toulouse, à l’UTC Compiègne, à l’INSA Toulouse puis Professeur Emérite à l’INSA Toulouse de 2001 à 2008.

Activités de recherche focalisées sur l’application du Génie chimique au traitement et épuration des eaux et notamment sur les techniques séparatives (floculation, décantation, flottation, filtration, techniques membranaires : direction de plus de 50 thèses).

Création de l’IFTS ( centre de recherche technique sur la filtration et les techniques séparatives ) en 1981 à Agen (direction de 1981à1986)

Détachement au CNRS de 1986 à 1988 pour diriger le projet inter-laboratoires qui a conduit au développement des premières membranes fibres creuses destinées à la production d’eau potable et qui a abouti à la création de la société Aquasource à Toulouse.

Membre actif de IWA depuis 1970. Distinguished Fellow,  Président du groupe international de spécialistes « membrane Technology » depuis sa création en 2000 jusqu’à 2008. Honorary Member

Secrétaire de la société européenne des Membranes (1986 - 1990)

Relations internationales : invitations pour des cours ou des conférences :  Corée du Sud (Université Nationale de Seoul ) , Australie( UNSW ,UTS)  , Thailande( AIT) , Singapour ( NUS) , Chine , Taiwan , Viet Nam ,  Arabie Saoudite ( KAUST) , Afrique du Sud  ,  Algérie , Pakistan.

Membre du comité stratégique de IWA 2013-2019. Actuellement, conseiller scientifique à l’IFTS



Prof. Dr. Anthony Szymczyk

University of Rennes 1, France

Anthony Szymczyk received his Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry in 1999 at the University of Franche-Comté (France). He is currently Full Professor at the University of Rennes 1 and leads the “Chemistry and Process Engineering” research group of the Institute of Chemical Sciences of Rennes (ISCR - UMR CNRS 6226).

Prof. Szymczyk's research lies at the interface of chemical engineering, chemistry of materials and physics of condensed matter. His main research activities focus on the modeling and simulation of membrane separations for desalination and water purification, and on the physico-chemical characterization of membrane materials with applications in functionalization, fouling, ageing... He published about 160 scientific papers and book chapters on these topics. In 2013 he was the recipient of the IUPAC distinguished Award for Novel Materials and their Synthesis for his work on ion transport through nanoporous membranes. He is the current President the European Membrane Society.



Prof. Dr. Noreddine Ghaffour

KAUST, Saudi Arabia

Noreddine Ghaffour is a Professor at KAUST. He has over 27 years of experience in the field of drinking water treatment technologies, and has specialized in the area of membrane and thermal desalination processes. Over the years, he has made major contributions becoming an internationally recognized expert in desalination technologies and its related fields. He obtained his PhD from Montpellier University, France, in 1995. He is the author of over 450 journal and conference publications, several patents and chapters in textbooks. He is a frequent keynote speaker in international conferences, seminars and workshops. He is Editor of Desalination journal. He also has experience in scaling-up innovative desalination processes and start-ups.



Prof. Dr. Sudip Chakraborty

University of Calabria, Italy

Dr. Sudip Chakraborty, is a Doctorate in Chemical Engineering from University of Calabria, Italy. Currently holding Full Professor (ASN) in Chemical Engineering in sector – ING-IND 24 at Laboratory of Transport Phenomena and Biotechnology, University of Calabria, Italy. He was also a visiting researcher at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Boston, USA. His major field of interest are membrane separation, plasmonic nanoparticle, composite materials, energy and process intensification. Dr. Chakraborty with h-index-37, published more than 120 research publications in international SCI indexed journals/book chapter as well as many conference proceedings. Dr. Chakraborty is also serving as Chief editor/Associate editor in many scientific international journals published by Elsevier, Springer-Nature as well as Wiley-Gmbh.



Prof. Dr. Raja Ben Amar

University of Sfax, Tunisia

Raja Ben Amar is currently working as full Professor in the chemical department of the Faculty of Science of Sfax and leading the reserach unit ‘Adanced Technologies for Environment and Smart Cities’.

She achieved her master degree in Chemical Engineering from ENSIC (Institut Polytechnique de Lorraine, France) and her PhD in chemical Engineering from IGC (Institut Polytechnique de Toulouse, France).

Her main research interests are wastewater treatment using hybrid processes, water desalination, wastewater treatment, development of new porous ceramic membranes from natural and hybrid materials. She has published more than 120 papers in ISI indexed journals, 5 book chapters and 4 patents. She is a reviewer for several scientific journals.

She is involved in many projects in the frame of cooperation programmes such as join projects with severals countries and European Projects (ERANETMED, PRIMA).

She is currently, the President of the African Membrane Society and  member of the Tunisian Desalination Society.

Pr. Raja Ben Amar has supervised to completion several masters (47 candidates) and doctoral candidates (26 PhD candidates). She has also mentored 5 postdoctoral fellows. Currently she supervises 7 postgraduate students in her areas of interest.

She is involved in many projects in the frame of cooperation programmes such as join project with India, France, participation in joint projects with Morrocco and Algeria and on European projects in the frame of ERANETMED, Erasmus and PRIMA programmes. She is also principal Investigator for three National projects supported by Tunisian Ministry of Higher Education and Tunisian Ministry of Industry in collaboration with industrial companies ‘Valorisation des Résultats de la Recherche (VRR)’ program and ‘Programme National de Recherche et d’Innovation (PNRI) related to integration of membranes processes in waste water treatment and reuse.


Prof. Dr. Pierre-Yves Pontalier

Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, France

Pierre-Yves Pontalier is Professor in Process Engineering at the Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse since 1998. He has been working for 30 years in the field of separation processes, with a particular focus on membrane processes and liquid/solid separation. He is the author of about 50 peer-reviewed papers, 3 patents and 4 book chapters in the field of liquid/solid separation. He has been a member of SF2P since 2010 and president since 2019. He participated to the organization of FPS and FrancoFilt congresses and is in charge of the organization of next World Filtration Congress in 2025 at Bordeaux.



Prof. Dr. Courfia Kéba Diawara

University of Ziguinchor, Senegal 

Courfia Kéba Diawara est Docteur d’Etat en chimie. Il  est Professeur titulaire des Universités de classe exceptionnelle et Chevalier de l’Ordre National du Lion au Sénégal

  • Professeur invité à l’École des Mines de Nantes
  • Professeur invité à l’Institut International d’Ingénierie de l’Eau et de l’Environnement (2ie), Burkina Faso
  • Professeur associé à l’IUT de Saint-Nazaire, France

Ancien membre du Comité Consultatif Général CCG du CAMES,

Ancien membre du conseil de surveillance de l’Agence Nationale de la Rech. Scientifique Appliquée,

Evaluateur institutionnel en Assurance Qualité (ANAQ–Sup)

Président d’honneur et Membre fondateur de la Société Africaine des Membranes, Siège à Bamako

Président du comité d’organisation de la 1ière conférence internationale en Afrique de l’Ouest sur : « membranes, eau et santé » et Chairman du 3ième congrès international de la Société Africaine des Membranes,

Lauréat du prix « SEDAR 2010 » pour l’Innovation sur le dessalement et la défluoruration par la mise au point d’un nouveau procédé d’élimination du fluor et de dessalement couplé à l’énergie solaire pour l’eau potable,

Professeur Courfia Diawara, ancien recteur de l’université ‘Assane Seck’, poursuit la formation de jeunes docteurs dans l’usage de technologies de dessalement en Afrique et auteur d’une cinquantaine d’articles scientifiques, cité dans plus de 500 publications scientifiques internationales.



Prof. Dr. Mohamed Taky

Ibn Tofail University, Kenitra, Morocco

Mohamed Taky received his Ph.D in 1991 at Montpellier II (France). He joined the Faculty of Science - Ibn Tofail University, Kenitra (Morocco) in 1996 where he teaches methods of electrochemical analysis and membrane separation processes. His research activity was first focused on concentration polarization in Electrodialysis and water splitting at the interface  of ion-exchange membranes. His  major research field during the last twenty years involves : Environment, Desalination, Water and wastewater reatment, Treatment of industrial effluent, Recovery and valorization of the raw materials, Advanced Membrane technologies. He has more than 80 publications in this field. Today he is the director of the Laboratory of Advanced Materials and Process Engineering (LAMPE) of the Faculty of Sciences of Kenitra.

Mohamed Taky is cofounder member and currently Vice president of the Moroccan Membrane and Desalination Society (MMDS).


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